Skills for Employment Programme Nepal - सीप

22 April 2022

UK Aid

Shreenagar is a pioneer company in producing Day Old Chicks (DOC) and animal feed in Nepal. Shreenagar has been providing farmers with quality chicks, feed and embedded technical services since 2002. Shreenagar has recently launched its new services by establishing Shree Kisan Innovation Hub : Knowledge and Skill Development Center, which is a skill training center providing industry-relevant training to youth, including farmers, to increase productivity, improve work-readiness, and enable job placements or starting of a new business. The training centre is based out of Butwal (Province 5) and will prioritize trainees/beneficiaries from Province 5, but open to interested trainees from anywhere in Nepal.

Shreenagar has partnership with national and international research, academic, and vocational training institutes likes of Cobb School USA, Lohmann School Germany, Alltech Pvt. Ltd USA, Aqua Vet consulting India and Wageningen University, Netherlands. Our national partners include AFU, HICAST. Similarly, the training center, will coordinate with potential employers like entrepreneurs, production companies, associations etc. to enable job placements.

© 2020 Shreenagar. Website by: Curves n' Colors.