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Shree Kisan Innovation Hub established with multidisciplinary consortium partners' aims to advance technologies and farming practices that will transform Nepal's agricultural sector.

Advancing Sustainable
Agriculture in Nepal

Shree Kisan Innovation Hub, was established to empower farmers and entrepreneurs for sustainable development through innovative ideas, latest Shree Kisan Innovation Hub, was established to empower farmers and entrepreneurs for sustainable development through innovative ideas, latest information technology and innovative services and partnerships. Shree Kisan Innovation Hub focuses on building the potential of farmers in Nepal to put forward a model of well advanced skilled farmers, that can be equitably termed as Shree Superior Kisan Farmer. Shree Kisan farmers will be leading by example for the agriculture industry and farmer community to follow, giving rise to more business and expansion opportunities. Shree Kissan Innovation Hub conducts valuable research on effective low cost technology and smart services for a more sustainable ecosystem, while being profitable and productive for the farming community. Initially, the focus will incline towards Aquaculture and Horticulture, expanding over time towards the main areas of Agriculture.

Our Core

Our Mission

To provide services to improve agricultural productivity through innovations, knowledge sharing, simplified solutions and sustainable approach.

Our Vision

To develop an ecosystem supportive of preserving the environment, increasing employment, creating more opportunities whilst promoting food security and economic growth.

Our Consortium

Shree Kisan Innovation Hub is a consortium of four organisations (SAF, SAI, SAC, SKIH, SI, GFM, Palpa Durbar Hotel) under the leadership of SAF Pvt. Ltd. All these organisations with their specific expertise come together successfully for the mission of SKIH.
Thematic Focus

Farmers Through

Our Approach

Shree Kisan Innovation Hub’s approach is to understand market gaps and deliver innovative, simplified solutions to support a sustainable and profitable ecosystem. The strength of Shree Kisan are smart services and effective communication top down and bottom up that supports every station in the agricultural supply chain. Shree Kisan works collectively with research partners, technology innovators and farmers ensuring outcomes ensures quality and growth.

Shreekisan InnovationHub

Innovation Technology Value Chain

Agriculture Technology Value Chain

In Making of Shree Kisan

Meat Processing Training
Low Cost Feeder Training
Ichhhakamana Poultry
Feeder Training

Our Services

Shree Kisan Innovation Hub recognizes the importance of knowledge transfer. We provide a host of new ideas and pragmatic services for our farmers, agro-innovators, partners in agro-business and researchers.

Policy Influencing and Networking

Policy Influencing and Networking

  • Agri-kiosk, seminars, round table discussions
  • Lobby and dialogue
  • Exhibition
  • Infographics

Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center

  • Agriculture news, information and innovative technology
  • Knowledge kit for agri-operation
  • Publication of reports, research and journals
  • Information of inputs and service provider
  • Agriculture Database

Up scaling Innovation

Up scaling Innovation

  • Innovation Challenge Call
  • Link up with research centre and university for pilot
  • Research an development of innovative technology and services
  • Conducting research, survey and feasibility study

Agri Business Incubation

Agri Business Incubation

  • Management and agribusiness consultancy
  • Business Plan Development
  • Entrepreneurship clinic and workshops
  • Action research, pilots and creation of model farms
  • Linkage with rational inputs provider, service provider and market
  • Exposure visits, trainings, capacity building and mentoring

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Our Partnerships